Thursday, April 15, 2010

This Journey We Call "Life"

Every once in a while, I get this overwhelming urge to somehow collect my random thoughts, put them together, and see what is created. This is one of those moments. So here goes nothing!
Not to be cliche at all, but I've always viewed life as a journey. But I'm starting to learn recently that life is a journey with no real destination At least not in this life. So many times, I've gotten caught up in trying to get to certain places in my life so that I can stop moving, stop traveling. Recently, I flew down to Phoenix to help my family move back to Portland. And to be perfectly honest, the only thing I was thinking the entire time was "I just want to get back home so that I can rest." I would get really irritated if we had to make a lot of stops along the way because that would prolong me getting to my destination. And now, looking back on that trip, I find that I pretty much wasted most of it. And the reason why I wasted most of it was because I was not living by the moment. I was not taking advantage of the opportunities to learn and to grow through that whole process. My entire focus was on trying to get to a destination.
Now, don't get me wrong, I believe that having a destination in life is important. And setting goals for yourself to accomplish is commendable. But, if you're like me, you set goals so that when you accomplish them, you can look back on it and bask in what you did. And ultimately, so you can feel like you have arrived at a place where you can just sit down and rest. So you can be comfortable. And I'm learning now that when you live life like that, you are missing out on so many opportunities to truly live.
I find myself being just really complacent with a lot of things in life these days. And the reason I got to this point was because I allowed myself to become comfortable with where I was at. Several years back, I made a goal to somehow become what I am now and I'm finding now that I was just looking forward to being able to stop and rest. I accomplished my goal and now I get to reap the benefits of being comfortable with who I am and what I'm doing. And to tell you the truth, being comfortable sucks! My passion, motivation, and excitement for life are missing. It's almost like they are pieces of a puzzle I must first locate and then put back together again. The process and the journey it took to get here was full of excitement, unpredictable circumstances, and opportunities to grow and to learn. Sure, it was a tough journey, but that's what made it so worth it! Now the important thing I'm learning about life is that when we become comfortable for too long, we stop learning. And when we stop learning, we stop moving forward. And when we stop moving forward, we stop truly living and our soul slowly starts to die inside. And I feel like that's where I'm at.
So now, I know that I must get back on my feet and start moving forward to the next thing that God has in store for me. I'm not talking about moving to a different place or quitting everything I'm involved in because I know that I'm at the place where I need to be. I'm talking about reclaiming my passion and reclaiming my soul so that I can live my life by giving God all the glory and by loving and cherishing the people around me.
I hope all of you are doing well and I encourage us all to never stop moving forward!


  1. Matt! Ahh I feel like I could have wrote this! Your thoughts here are very much aligned with what I have been learning too. I recently wrote about living in the moment for the Lord. It's always so awesome to see what the Lord is teaching us, and it's encouraging to know that others are right there with us! Anyway, you're rad! I am blessed by this!
